Friday, February 06, 2009

From Texas to Florida and Back

It was a busy year for the Paco (a.k.a. Pancho) in 2008. Over the past two years, I have either worked or lived in south Florida, but I am now permanently back in the great state of Texas. Many of you have noticed an eerie silence from this blog over the past two months, but rest assured, political clarity will begin to be written here once again.

A lot of things have been happening in Washington over the past two weeks that have people increasingly asking, “What the hell are they thinking?!” From the closing of Gitmo to the charges being dropped on USS Cole bombing suspects, this new administration is already raising some serious questions on national security.

On the domestic scene, the same disbelief and audacity of this White House holds true. Who does Obama think he is when capping compensation for Wall Street executives? [insert communist leader here]

And what about those senators complaining about people such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity when it comes to conservative radio? Because liberal media personalities can't keep an audience, they cry foul? Whatever happened to having winners and losers?! Oh, that's right . . . socialism doesn't allow for losers.

But most importantly, let’s not forget about that bloated stimulus package (over 700 pages now) being debated on Capitol Hill as we speak. The more government is in your lives, the more we pay (literally and figuratively) as the average American.

In short, keep a watchful eye on posts to come. We have a lot to discuss.


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