Monday, February 09, 2009

Dem Power Grab

I was going to talk about the stimulus package and $9.7 trillion running total of what the government has paid out so far, but something more interesting has caught my eye.

In an obvious partisan move, this administration has decided to arbitrarily investigate taking away the counting of our population from the Commerce Department and give oversight directly to the White House. This would give direct control of how numbers are interpreted and how district lines are drawn to a branch of our government (executive) that is controlled by either party at any given time. In this particular case, the Democrats could interpret any data and align any district however they want in order to sway elections and stay in power. If this were truly to happen under Obama’s White House, the lead would be given to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago politician with questionable ethics.

So, in a quick review, we have a process currently set up that is independent of any partisan politics, but yet this White House is considering a “change” in how census numbers are reviewed?

Does any of that seem strange coming from a president who was elected by preaching he would be a bi-partisan force in Washington?

For the near month that President Obama has been in office, I find our president arrogant and forceful in setting an agenda that is politically driven and seems to be closed for debate. I also find it ironic that he is currently using the politics of fear with words like “catastrophe” if his stimulus package isn’t passed when his presidential campaign promised an era of “hope”.

Overall, what is currently happening in Washington is bad politics ushered in by a president who thinks he has a mandate from the people. I say, not even close, Mr. President. How dare you try to strong-arm and what impudence you have to think otherwise.


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