Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where We Go from Here

As a Republican, it’s hard to confront the reality of where we stand in the realm of American politics. We have presided over two continuing wars, an economy in turmoil and corruption on all levels of government (state and federal). We let the power and prestige of those positions get in the way of what our true job should have been, and the American people rewarded us justly last week.

But all is not lost.

This defeat in a historic election is a time to regroup and reintroduce the American electorate to the GOP. There’s always an opportunity in every situation and we have that opportunity today.

We must get back to the roots of who we are. We must talk - more importantly, prove – that we are the party of smaller government, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility. We are the party of strong defense and limited government in every aspect of life. We must remove the stereotype of a party with old white men running things in a smoke filled room and show the true, inclusive nature of the GOP.

We have an opportunity and over the next four years, we must not let this opportunity pass us by.


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