Thursday, January 31, 2008

RE: Mac is Back

After watching the final Republican debate before Super Tuesday last night, I was impressed with every candidate except Senator McCain.

I may agree with a majority of his views, but he carried himself poorly in my opinion. Throughout most of the evening, he had a look of contempt when jibes were thrown his way as if he were above the insults. Because of that, you can tell that the senator has a short fuse with little patients (which scares me a bit), and ultimately responded to his cohorts average at best.

On Romney, I do think that he would make an exceptional nominee, but I’m not confident in his ability to compete with Clinton or Obama.

None the less, McCain’s straight talk (minus the cheap shot at Romney about an Iraq timetable) carried though in this debate.


CNN: Debate Transcript

1 comment:

Miss Haley said...

I agree. I wasn't impressed with McCain at all. I'm rooting for Romney now.