Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The State of a President

Legacy, legacy, legacy.

That’s all you hear about Bush these days from pundits. When reporters recently asked the president about his legacy, he quipped in typical Bush fashion and proclaimed that history would be his judge.

After listening to the State of the Union speech last night, it’s clear that the president is doing just that.

In what was called a conciliatory speech, there were also references to a number of divisive issues close the presidents heart from the security of Iraq to immigration. It was surprising but refreshing to hear a president in his final year deliver his remaining to-do list in a passionate way.

Granted, every issue won’t be resolved or even addressed in an election year, but let’s not forget that they, in the words of the president, are in Washington to, “set forth to do their [the peoples] business.”

In short, they still have a job to do.

So, in his final year, will Bush continue to be an advocate of Republican ideals? Will he push for permanent tax cuts and strengthen this weak economy? Will he convey a compassionate and “humane way” of dealing with immigration? Will he continue to stand strong on Iraq that has stabilized due to a successful trop surge?

Most definitely, yes.

Will it be easy? Absolutely not.


Link: 2008 State of the Union Address

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