Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mac is Back

Of the Republican candidates left in the field, none were considered a front runner.

Last night changed that.

McCain used his momentum from South Carolina to capture a state that just two weeks ago belonged to McCain’s close friend, Rudy Giuliani. Consequently, Giuliani will be dropping out of the race and endorsing McCain as early as today (my prediction in an October ’07 post turned out to be a bit off).

But even with victory, the senator has a long road ahead.

McCain will have to convince the conservatives of the party (Romney and Huckabee followers) to join his cause. He’ll need to silence critics within the party (Limbaugh and others) and show that he can be the uniter of all Republicans, moderate and conservatives alike.

I was a Giuliani supporter, so it won’t be difficult for me to back another moderate candidate. The hard right on the other hand needs to realize that a moderate Republican is our best chance to win in November.

On CNN’s post primary coverage, Wolf Blitzer interviewed Mrs. Clinton and asked her what she would do on day one in the Oval Office if elected. Her response, which included immediate withdraw from Iraq and the expansion of socialized medicine, should scare every Republican into action.

On the other hand, if we don’t move into action, a Clinton or Obama in the White House is exactly what we’ll get.

McCain leads in most Super Tuesday states and will probably win a majority of the delegates come February 5th. Because of his inevitable victory, it’s time we put our support behind a decorated war hero, a proven senator and a candidate who can embrace the full diversity of our party.

It’s time we get aboard the Straight Talk Express.


Florida Results

CNN: Clinton Transcript

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