Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Long Way to Go

This morning I got up and had my usual cup o’ Joe and started browsing through the Sunday morning headlines.

One particular headline caught my eye in the Dallas Morning News. It read, “Northern Iraqi Women Increasingly Attempting Suicide” with the byline, “Feeling hopeless about life, some women in Iraqi Kurdistan set themselves on fire, then suffer through survival.”

It was a pretty powerful headline for early morning reading and so was the article.

A couple of blogs back, I posted a link that highlights some of the policies that have actually been successful for the president in 2007. The troop surge is one of them.

Now that stability is finally taking hold because of that surge, it seems that humanitarian aid programs need to be increased through (dare I say it) the UN. The DMN article highlights a glaring need for it.

With their jobs nearly complete, the big guns of the 1st Calvary and other divisions in Iraq are drawing to a close, but the humanitarian efforts will continue for years to come. I hope that we put as much attention and effort into the mission that is the Iraqi people as we did in dismantling an oppressive regime.

We gave them a new beginning. It’s our job to make sure they have the opportunity to live it.

DMN Article: Northern Iraqi Women Increasingly Attempting Suicide


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