- WSJ: U.S. to Take Big Citi Stake and Overhaul the Board
- NY Post: $1 Trillion in Taxes is Hell to Pay
- Political Punch: Obama's Budget Adds $1 Trillion in New Taxes
- Reuters: Big Spending = Soaring Deficit
Friday, February 27, 2009
Here Comes Big Government
You may not have deposits there, but taxpayer money will now be invested into CitiGroup giving the government a 36% interest in the company. Investors didn't seem to like this news considering Citi's stock was in the tank in early morning trading today. Can we say nationalization?
Monday, February 23, 2009
More from Glenn Beck
From the Fox Forum: The Road to Socialism
Glenn Beck: A Look Behind the Curtain
Plus, is Obama already stressed?
Glenn Beck: A Look Behind the Curtain
Plus, is Obama already stressed?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Traders to Obama: Boo
If this video doesn't say volumes on how we perceive this economic plan by Obama, I don't know what does.
CNBC: Trader Buzz on the Government's Plan
Bring on the Tea Party of 2009.
Update: Would You Join the "Chicago Tea Party?"
CNBC: Trader Buzz on the Government's Plan
Bring on the Tea Party of 2009.
Update: Would You Join the "Chicago Tea Party?"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
New Look
With nearly three years of blogging on Blogger.com, I thought it might be time to finally update the layout of Politology by Paco. There might be some tweaks to come here and there, but overall, welcome to the new look!
Dems on Escalator
This ad brought to you by the treasury of the American Socialist States . . .
Image from jesscaswall.com
This ad brought to you by the treasury of the American Socialist States . . .

Monday, February 16, 2009
A Dream Guaranteed?
A trend is emerging in this country that I fear we will never be able to correct.
Ever since emerging from WWII, America has been at the apex of global society. We lead in economic ingenuity. We lead in scientific innovation. And as we always have, we lead in the freedom we provide.
Because of that, the post WWII era has never been equaled in promoting the American Dream. It’s a dream where everyone has the opportunity to be or do anything they want. Through hard work and time, any goal can be accomplished.
Over the past few decades however, the notion of living that dream has been twisted into the idea that since you are an American, you are entitled to that dream.
Through the words of Thomas Jefferson in The Declaration of Independence, we all know that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is an unalienable right endowed to us by God, and in this country, we were given the freedom to pursue those endowments through the American Revolution.
But, gradually through time (especially the past half century), I feel that our government has perverted that freedom and those pursuits into an American Guarantee where no one can fail. In essence, the dream itself has become an entitlement program.
When did we go from a people that aspired to do and be something more through a dream to a people wanting the easy road through entitlements and handouts from the federal government? The more government grants and entitles to its people (socialism?), the further we get from what makes America great.
Today, we make excuses that GM and Bank of America are companies too large to fail, but isn’t that the nature of the free market? In GM’s case, their business plan is so warped by the unions that whatever excuses and escapes the federal government hands out, we prolong what inevitably needs to happen. Instead of perpetuating a broken business model, it needs to fail through the tools that are provided in a free market.
From the largest business to the struggling independent contractor, we learn from that failure. We learn to get back up, dust ourselves off and try again. Yes, millions may be out of work, but where there’s a will (or need), there’s a way. Where one door closes, another will open. We live in a country that allows us the freedom to pursue and do as we choose. We will always have successes and failures, neither of which is guaranteed. It’s up to us to make do with what we have and to achieve what we can, not your government.
In the words of Benjamin Franklin in reference to another great document enabling freedom: “The US Constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.”
Ever since emerging from WWII, America has been at the apex of global society. We lead in economic ingenuity. We lead in scientific innovation. And as we always have, we lead in the freedom we provide.
Because of that, the post WWII era has never been equaled in promoting the American Dream. It’s a dream where everyone has the opportunity to be or do anything they want. Through hard work and time, any goal can be accomplished.
Over the past few decades however, the notion of living that dream has been twisted into the idea that since you are an American, you are entitled to that dream.
Through the words of Thomas Jefferson in The Declaration of Independence, we all know that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is an unalienable right endowed to us by God, and in this country, we were given the freedom to pursue those endowments through the American Revolution.
But, gradually through time (especially the past half century), I feel that our government has perverted that freedom and those pursuits into an American Guarantee where no one can fail. In essence, the dream itself has become an entitlement program.
When did we go from a people that aspired to do and be something more through a dream to a people wanting the easy road through entitlements and handouts from the federal government? The more government grants and entitles to its people (socialism?), the further we get from what makes America great.
Today, we make excuses that GM and Bank of America are companies too large to fail, but isn’t that the nature of the free market? In GM’s case, their business plan is so warped by the unions that whatever excuses and escapes the federal government hands out, we prolong what inevitably needs to happen. Instead of perpetuating a broken business model, it needs to fail through the tools that are provided in a free market.
From the largest business to the struggling independent contractor, we learn from that failure. We learn to get back up, dust ourselves off and try again. Yes, millions may be out of work, but where there’s a will (or need), there’s a way. Where one door closes, another will open. We live in a country that allows us the freedom to pursue and do as we choose. We will always have successes and failures, neither of which is guaranteed. It’s up to us to make do with what we have and to achieve what we can, not your government.
In the words of Benjamin Franklin in reference to another great document enabling freedom: “The US Constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.”
- Newsweek: We are All Socialists Now
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Glenn Beck on "Change"
I'm a bit under the weather today, but I had to post this video that aired last week on Glenn Beck's show.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Dem Power Grab
I was going to talk about the stimulus package and $9.7 trillion running total of what the government has paid out so far, but something more interesting has caught my eye.
In an obvious partisan move, this administration has decided to arbitrarily investigate taking away the counting of our population from the Commerce Department and give oversight directly to the White House. This would give direct control of how numbers are interpreted and how district lines are drawn to a branch of our government (executive) that is controlled by either party at any given time. In this particular case, the Democrats could interpret any data and align any district however they want in order to sway elections and stay in power. If this were truly to happen under Obama’s White House, the lead would be given to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago politician with questionable ethics.
So, in a quick review, we have a process currently set up that is independent of any partisan politics, but yet this White House is considering a “change” in how census numbers are reviewed?
Does any of that seem strange coming from a president who was elected by preaching he would be a bi-partisan force in Washington?
For the near month that President Obama has been in office, I find our president arrogant and forceful in setting an agenda that is politically driven and seems to be closed for debate. I also find it ironic that he is currently using the politics of fear with words like “catastrophe” if his stimulus package isn’t passed when his presidential campaign promised an era of “hope”.
Overall, what is currently happening in Washington is bad politics ushered in by a president who thinks he has a mandate from the people. I say, not even close, Mr. President. How dare you try to strong-arm and what impudence you have to think otherwise.
In an obvious partisan move, this administration has decided to arbitrarily investigate taking away the counting of our population from the Commerce Department and give oversight directly to the White House. This would give direct control of how numbers are interpreted and how district lines are drawn to a branch of our government (executive) that is controlled by either party at any given time. In this particular case, the Democrats could interpret any data and align any district however they want in order to sway elections and stay in power. If this were truly to happen under Obama’s White House, the lead would be given to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago politician with questionable ethics.
So, in a quick review, we have a process currently set up that is independent of any partisan politics, but yet this White House is considering a “change” in how census numbers are reviewed?
Does any of that seem strange coming from a president who was elected by preaching he would be a bi-partisan force in Washington?
For the near month that President Obama has been in office, I find our president arrogant and forceful in setting an agenda that is politically driven and seems to be closed for debate. I also find it ironic that he is currently using the politics of fear with words like “catastrophe” if his stimulus package isn’t passed when his presidential campaign promised an era of “hope”.
Overall, what is currently happening in Washington is bad politics ushered in by a president who thinks he has a mandate from the people. I say, not even close, Mr. President. How dare you try to strong-arm and what impudence you have to think otherwise.
Friday, February 06, 2009
From Texas to Florida and Back
It was a busy year for the Paco (a.k.a. Pancho) in 2008. Over the past two years, I have either worked or lived in south Florida, but I am now permanently back in the great state of Texas. Many of you have noticed an eerie silence from this blog over the past two months, but rest assured, political clarity will begin to be written here once again.
A lot of things have been happening in Washington over the past two weeks that have people increasingly asking, “What the hell are they thinking?!” From the closing of Gitmo to the charges being dropped on USS Cole bombing suspects, this new administration is already raising some serious questions on national security.
On the domestic scene, the same disbelief and audacity of this White House holds true. Who does Obama think he is when capping compensation for Wall Street executives? [insert communist leader here]
And what about those senators complaining about people such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity when it comes to conservative radio? Because liberal media personalities can't keep an audience, they cry foul? Whatever happened to having winners and losers?! Oh, that's right . . . socialism doesn't allow for losers.
But most importantly, let’s not forget about that bloated stimulus package (over 700 pages now) being debated on Capitol Hill as we speak. The more government is in your lives, the more we pay (literally and figuratively) as the average American.
In short, keep a watchful eye on posts to come. We have a lot to discuss.
A lot of things have been happening in Washington over the past two weeks that have people increasingly asking, “What the hell are they thinking?!” From the closing of Gitmo to the charges being dropped on USS Cole bombing suspects, this new administration is already raising some serious questions on national security.
On the domestic scene, the same disbelief and audacity of this White House holds true. Who does Obama think he is when capping compensation for Wall Street executives? [insert communist leader here]
And what about those senators complaining about people such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity when it comes to conservative radio? Because liberal media personalities can't keep an audience, they cry foul? Whatever happened to having winners and losers?! Oh, that's right . . . socialism doesn't allow for losers.
But most importantly, let’s not forget about that bloated stimulus package (over 700 pages now) being debated on Capitol Hill as we speak. The more government is in your lives, the more we pay (literally and figuratively) as the average American.
In short, keep a watchful eye on posts to come. We have a lot to discuss.
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