Thursday, October 02, 2008

Embedded Liberal

Yesterday, the news came out that Gwen Ifill, the liberal PBS correspondent, will be the moderator for the VP debate tonight at Washington University in St. Louis.

Now, how much influence a moderator can have in a debate, I'm not sure, but the fact that she's openly for the Obama camp concerns me. That, on top of her releasing a book on inauguration day titled, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" makes Ifill seem less objective. Couldn't the Commission on Presidential Debates have picked someone a bit less biased?

Ultimately, if Ifill acts like a journalist and only a journalist, I have no problem with her moderating. But, if there's even a hint of her throwing curve balls to Palin and soft lobs to Biden, this debate will be remembered as the biggest setup in history by the liberal media.


Ifill wrong pick

Washington Times:
Ifill Urged to Step Aside

1 comment:

jdeebee267 said...

How about her having access to him with prepping before the debate? This may be a theory, but it does not set well with many.

It is not about race it is about ethics and I love how she throws that card in...