Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Temporary Hold

In what is now being described as a “once-in-a-century crisis”, John McCain suspended his presidential campaign today in order to focus on the economy.

We all shouldn’t be surprised by his actions. He’s a man who walks his own path. Suspending his campaign today shows that. However, in an election where he’s currently down in the polls, I'm not too sure if suspending his campaign is the right thing to do. Quite frankly, it's unprecedented, and I can't remember the last time a party's nominee has done something this drastic this close to November. In short, nobody suspends their campaign – nobody.

McCain and Obama are both active serving senators. If this truly is the worst economic crisis in a century, should Obama suspend his campaign as well and return to Washington?

Politics aside, we all know something needs to be done. McCain putting a temporary hold on his campaign shows this. Whether this is a good political move, we’ll find out in November, but this at least proves one thing to me about McCain: He’s not lying when his campaign uses the slogan, “Country First”.


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