Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

It’s hard to believe that seven years have passed since that fateful morning.

Just as many of you, it’s hard for me to forget exactly where I was or what I was doing that day. That, along with the confusion, remorse and anger that accompanied those images will truly live with our generation forever.

Today, the will and strength of every American will shine as we remember the lives of the lost.

Remember this day along with the resolve and vigilance we must pay in order to keep and live in our American society.

Always remember this day seven years ago today, September 11th, 2001.


Fox News: Real American Stories


jdeebee267 said...

I woke up this a.m. to say my prayers for those who died... there was a strange quietness as I was outside on my balcony, not a sound around... typically I hear birds, airplanes, dogs barking, it was just a peaceful time to pray.

I was in mid air that day flying back home to TX from MT-landed in Salt Lake only to find out I would not be leaving anytime soon. I was interviewed also on the SLC news as I got on a bus 24 hours later, taking me 36 hours to get home, the question asked of me was "do you feel inconvenienced?", my reply was no, how could I at this time feel inconvenienced when there are people in NYC, PA, and DC that were less fortunate than I and inconvenienced? I think she realized she had just asked me a really stupid question.

I will never forget that day, I was truly in flight as they were flying on the E. Coast crashing into the buildings...

I wrote about that day and the experience I had, the people I met in SLC, on the bus ride home, etc... sent it out to all those I worked with at the time and even to the VP of the company. My emotions were high that day, that week... it was a crazy day in SLC everyone trying to find ways out, trying to find a hotel to stay in...

Meet the Huffstetlers said...

I remember too. More importantly I remember the rush of emotions that struck me. I was newly married and thought the world was coming to an end before I could truly experience my life. I was ashamed for a moment in my selfishness. That was only one emotion of many!