Friday, November 03, 2006

It’s the Economy, Stupid

The Labor Department today released the unemployment numbers for the month of October. It showed a drop of 4.6% to 4.4% adding 92,000 jobs to the economy last month.

I point this out because I find it amazing that you hear every other Democrat proclaim how bad this economy is despite the numbers to prove otherwise. Last I heard, 4.4% unemployment is pretty damn good.

In 2000, Presidential hopeful Al Gore boasted about the economy under President Clinton. He said that we “have the strongest economy in the history of the United States.” Top that off with the average unemployment at 5.2% under Clinton, I’d say the VP’s comment was pretty accurate.

Fast-forward to today. Nancy Pelosi and her entourage claim that this is the worst job record by a president since the Great Depression. I find that interesting since the average unemployment under Bush since he’s been in office is 5.3%.

Are you telling me that a 0.1% rise in average unemployment is depression worthy? I think not.

I do have to hand it to the Dems though. They seem to be twisting the economy in a way to make it look bad. They’ve taken away any credit the President deserves on this great economy we have today. We’ll see if any of this will have any bearing on how things will turn out next Tuesday.

Until then, the spin and political babble continue with an election year at it’s finest.

- ER

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