Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Look Ahead to ‘08

In my blog ‘Lieberman vs. Lamont – A Closer Look’, I discussed what I thought Republicans should do strategy wise in the coming ’06 election cycle.

Obviously by the outcome, Karl Rove decided not to take my advice.

The moderate center was alienated and as a result, the GOP lost both houses. I felt early on we would lose the House, but would retain the Senate. Imagine how sick I felt once I learned the next morning that a majority of Americans decided this time around, blue was a more appealing color. .

The only consolation I have presently is that most of the new Dems occupying the House are moderate and not hard liberals like Pelosi or Rangel.

Either way, that point of this particular post is to point out the wonderful article written today by the former Govenor of New Jersey and EPA administrator. Christine Todd Whitman echoes my thoughts from my blog mentioned above and what the GOP could gain politically in the future.

Let’s hope the GOP listens.

Christine Todd Whitman: GOP Must Return to its Centrist Roots

- ER

Friday, November 03, 2006

It’s the Economy, Stupid

The Labor Department today released the unemployment numbers for the month of October. It showed a drop of 4.6% to 4.4% adding 92,000 jobs to the economy last month.

I point this out because I find it amazing that you hear every other Democrat proclaim how bad this economy is despite the numbers to prove otherwise. Last I heard, 4.4% unemployment is pretty damn good.

In 2000, Presidential hopeful Al Gore boasted about the economy under President Clinton. He said that we “have the strongest economy in the history of the United States.” Top that off with the average unemployment at 5.2% under Clinton, I’d say the VP’s comment was pretty accurate.

Fast-forward to today. Nancy Pelosi and her entourage claim that this is the worst job record by a president since the Great Depression. I find that interesting since the average unemployment under Bush since he’s been in office is 5.3%.

Are you telling me that a 0.1% rise in average unemployment is depression worthy? I think not.

I do have to hand it to the Dems though. They seem to be twisting the economy in a way to make it look bad. They’ve taken away any credit the President deserves on this great economy we have today. We’ll see if any of this will have any bearing on how things will turn out next Tuesday.

Until then, the spin and political babble continue with an election year at it’s finest.

- ER

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kerry, the Babble-Head

John Kerry is sore loser and idiot. I’m sure his political advisor is thinking the same thing.

Yesterday, all hell broke loose for Kerry and the Dems when he made a speech at a campaign appearance Monday in California at Pasadena City College.

Kerry said, “You know, education - if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Commenting on his statement the next day, Kerry said that he was referring to the president and that the Republican spin-machine was twisting his words. Later that same day, Kerry said it was a bad joke gone wrong.

I don’t know about you, but it seems clear to me that Kerry was referring to our young men and women in uniform (watch the video below and judge for yourself). Kerry has a history of bad mouthing members of our military ever since he came home from Vietnam. He is a veteran himself, but amazingly enough shows little regard for the members of a brotherhood he’s obviously turned his back on.

Mr. Senator, you take liberty in jabbing at the men and women that protect this country and become outraged when someone questions your military loyalty and background. I wonder why judging by the actions and words you continue to speak.

Your fellow Dems are calling for an apology and rightfully so. I’m waiting and the American people are waiting, but I won’t hold my breath.


Kerry's Comments:
Kerry Belittles US Troops
Bush Responds:
Kerry Comments "Insulting and Shameful"

- - - Plus, America's finest in Iraq have sent their response to the Senator - - -