Tuesday, September 26, 2006

From a Journal to a Blog

Does anyone have a hard time like I do when it comes to keeping a journal?

Every time I get an itch to write something about life or a day’s events, I break out a notebook and decide to write a journal entry. Good intentions aside, I swear it never works out as I intend it to. It works great for a day or two, but then it’s back to being lazy and not really caring to write about the day at all, whether it be significant or not.

This laziness can also be compared to how often I post a blog entry.

Alas, I feel shame.

Either way, whatever and whenever I decide to write, I hope my thoughts are helpful (or in the least bit entertaining) in any subject I’m writing about. All this of course is assuming that someone would actually care to read what I write.

But wait a minute . . . what am I talking about?! Everyone should read what I write, especially extreme liberals or someone wanting advice on high cholesterol and heartburn. The former because you hardcore lefties just need to come to your senses on some issues and the latter because I have a bit of a problem in that department.

Which reminds me, it’s time for me to go grab a Pepcid Complete . . .

- ER

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