Monday, July 07, 2008

A Blog from a Liberal

Ahh, those liberal bloggers. You never know what to think when they write about politics or life. It's scarry to read sometimes! To be fair however, I'm sure they have the same thought when reading what we conservative bloggers have to say.

So, imagine my slap-in-the-face surprise when I read a blog entry written by a friend from the Rave days.

Nikki (who most of you know) wrote a very objective blog last week that I found refreshing and encouraging. What she wrote is the same kind of open-minded ideology that I try to push in every blog post I publish.

Yes, she's a Democrat and yes, she's a liberal, but that didn't seem to matter in this post. It's not everyday that both sides of the aisle see eye to eye, but when they do, a sense of understanding and unity prevail. Overall, I thought her entry was one of those times.

Posted below is a short excerpt of what she wrote.

From Nikki:

"One phrase you'll hear me say a lot is "to each his own." I don't always agree with the opinions, views and/or beliefs of others. However, tis our human right (in my opinion) to believe what we damn well please. I do my best not to push my ideas off on friends, family members or strangers. But I'm always open to discussion. (Now having said that, my football team is totally better than yours :-) ).

Case in point, two of my really good friends (one of them being one of my best friends) are Republicans. I am about as opposite as it gets in my political views. But they're still my friends and I love them dearly and respect the end of the day, we're all red-blooded Americans with fully functioning hearts and minds. And as oh so fortunate Americans, we're a big hot mess these days, with the most important election in U.S. history upon us. Therefore, every schmuck has a political opinion all of the sudden...and it's disturbing. But still, it's his/her right to believe whatever, however misinformed he/she may be. . . ."

Thanks for letting me post this, Nikki!

If you want to read the rest, visit her blog by going


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