Sunday, May 25, 2008

Back from Hiatus

My, how time flies.

My last entry was back in early April, but it doesn’t seem as though it’s been that long. Either way, it feels good to be back and do I have a lot to post.

The reason for my absence has been because of a relocation to southern Florida due to a job opportunity. A lot of you know this already, but the short version is this: I’m living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida now, working for a marine technology company as a project manager of various projects. It’s been interesting so far, but should get even more so within the next couple of months.

But, just because I’m here in Florida doesn’t mean I’ll be [completely] distracted by the draw of a Florida beach (although, I may have a few things to say about what I see).

Until then, remember the fallen on this Memorial Day and be safe!


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