Thursday, May 29, 2008

Clinton / Obama Ad

Just in case you missed it, this was a pretty good spoof by SNL on the NBA "Where Amazing Happens" commercials.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Florida, Round 2

It’s funny where life takes you and the people you meet through those experiences.

As I stated before in my previous post, many of you know that I took a project management job here in Fort Lauderdale. But unlike last year, it’s a permanent move this time.

When I packed up all my belongings and started my trek halfway across the country, reality started to sink in the farther away from home I got. I started to get a more secluded and detached feeling with the knowledge that friends and family would no longer be around the corner. I began to realize that I couldn’t easily ring a family member for dinner, or have a drink with a friend without the purchase of a plane ticket.

These feelings are only natural I suppose when leaving behind the ones you care about.

On the other hand, these thoughts may have solely revolved around the sight of a big-ass U-Haul barreling down the highway that carried my life as its cargo to a destination 1300 miles away. Talk about being out of your comfort zone, huh?

Needless to say, it’s going to be an adjustment. Thankfully, this new job will keep me very busy most days, and on the weekends, the allure and distractions of a golf course will be just what I need.

All in all, I’m hopeful that this is the end of a rough two years, but if I learned anything during that time, it’s this: Life is never what you expect. Then again, life is about the experiences and what you do with them rather than the grand expectations.

Either way, until that next experience, I think it’s time for a Cuban sandwich!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Back from Hiatus

My, how time flies.

My last entry was back in early April, but it doesn’t seem as though it’s been that long. Either way, it feels good to be back and do I have a lot to post.

The reason for my absence has been because of a relocation to southern Florida due to a job opportunity. A lot of you know this already, but the short version is this: I’m living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida now, working for a marine technology company as a project manager of various projects. It’s been interesting so far, but should get even more so within the next couple of months.

But, just because I’m here in Florida doesn’t mean I’ll be [completely] distracted by the draw of a Florida beach (although, I may have a few things to say about what I see).

Until then, remember the fallen on this Memorial Day and be safe!