Monday, March 10, 2008

The Review from Last Tuesday

So, I didn’t post any of my thoughts from last Tuesday’s primary results for two reasons: 1) Last week was extremely busy for me, and 2) It’s hard to find something to write about when the record is broken.

Before the results started to roll in, I told a friend of mine that Hillary was going to win Ohio and Texas, and sure enough she did. We can all call Hillary The Comeback Kid now, right?


Her win was in popular vote only. Because of the Democrat’s Texas two-step (primary and caucus in the same night), Obama actually won a majority of the delegates. To make a long, drawn out story short, Obama and Hillary ended the night almost exactly where they left off in the delegate count differential.

Even with Obama winning Wyoming (which only has 18 delegates to begin with) on Saturday, the Democratic race will continue. I think we now all know how Bill Murray felt in Groundhog Day!

McCain on the other hand can gear up for the general election with his nomination in the bag. Because of that, he now has the full support of the RNC along with their purse strings, which he desperately needs.


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