Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Smearing Free Speech

I really don’t know what to write. The Democrats have pulled a Vladimir Putin. They’re trying to quiet free speech by targeting a prominent member of the American media through the powers of the Senate. Rush Limbaugh does stand on the other side of the political fence with who’s in power at the moment, but construing his words for political gain on the Senate floor is way beyond the line. Further more, they’re trying to twist Rush Limbaugh’s words so they can regain footing with the American people on what they have describes as a “failed war”. They have all but admitted defeat on the War on Terror, but now they’re back peddling by taking someone’s words out of context for their gain.


On a side note, I find all this ridiculous anyway. The Dems are taking the time to condemn the words of a private citizen when they should be concentrating on more pertinent issues.


FoxNews: Senate Democrats Condemn Limbaugh

Clear Channel's Response

1 comment:

Jamie Bostick said...

Utterly ridiculous!!
But this is the beginning of their plan to do away with Talk Radio, mark my words.