Sunday, January 14, 2007

Re: Protestors

I feel that Haley had such a good blog posting that I just had to repost it here (with her permission of course). I couldn’t have said it better myself.

From Haley’s blog . . .


Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is not to talk about whether the war is right or wrong, if we should be in Iraq right now or not, or whether or not you or I think George W. Bush is doing a good job as the President. That being said, I don't want to hear anything about the previous things if you are going to comment on my blog.

I was watching the news last night, finally out of my little bubble I have been living in the past two months where I had no clue what was going on in the world. There was a 19 or 20 year old from Mansfield (I think) that was killed in Iraq on New Years Eve. This morning I was watching Good Day on Fox 4 and they mentioned a 21 year old medic (from Ennis, I believe) that was killed by a truck bomb whose funeral was today. Then they brought up the fact that there would probably be protesters at his funeral. I have a huge problem with that. I don't care if you protest the War, that's the beauty of living in America - freedom of speech. I do have a problem with people protesting the War at a Soldiers funeral. Soldiers risk their lives every day so Americans can have all the rights we have grown accustomed too, and possibly even take advantage of. I can only imagine what the Soldiers families are going through - losing a son, daughter, parent, cousin, etc. - and then there are strangers showing up at the funeral with signs and chants saying the Solider died for no reason at all. Excuse me?!? The Soldier died fighting for something he/she believed in. There isn't a draft going on right now, nor has there been one since the early 1970s. These "kids" that joined the Military have done so on their own accord. They most likely all have a different reason for joining, but their name was not picked out of a hat, nor was anyone forced to join. They joined because they wanted to, not because they had to. They are overseas fighting for something they believe in, not for nothing. Don't degrade the fallen Soldiers by protesting at their funeral. Show all of the military some respect and support, whether or not you believe what they are doing is right or wrong, they are fighting for you.

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