Thursday, August 17, 2006

Standing up to the NYT

Sergeant Timothy Boggs (currently serving in Iraq) did something that not a lot of people have the guts to do. He took on the New York Times, a left leaning newspaper that seems to focus explicitly on the bad and not the good when it comes to the War on Terror.

A few months back, the NYT decided to publish top secret intelligence gathering information and the methods used on how the government tracks financial transactions of terrorists. In response to the Times' publication of this story, Sgt. Boggs wrote the Times in disgust on how this particular move hurts, not helps the War on Terror.

I for one congratulate Sgt. Boggs on putting the Times in their place! You can read his letter here and read his blog entries here.

1 comment:

jdeebee267 said...

Thanks for sharing this with us, my cousin's husband leaves back for Iraq in a couple of days, it is his 2nd tour this war and was there during the 1st Iraq war. I sent Timothy's blog to her.
I also emailed Jodi your blogs, the more people i feel read the better. Keep up the thoughts.