Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Clear and Present Danger

Let's not kid ourselves - Iran is a threat. It's more of a threat on a global scale than North Korea, plus Iran has it's backers in the region such as Syria and of course Hezbollah.

In an article writen by Ann Leslie in the UK publication, Daily Mail, Leslie points out how much of a danger Iran really is.

Article: Why This Man Should Give Us All Nightmares

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Standing up to the NYT

Sergeant Timothy Boggs (currently serving in Iraq) did something that not a lot of people have the guts to do. He took on the New York Times, a left leaning newspaper that seems to focus explicitly on the bad and not the good when it comes to the War on Terror.

A few months back, the NYT decided to publish top secret intelligence gathering information and the methods used on how the government tracks financial transactions of terrorists. In response to the Times' publication of this story, Sgt. Boggs wrote the Times in disgust on how this particular move hurts, not helps the War on Terror.

I for one congratulate Sgt. Boggs on putting the Times in their place! You can read his letter here and read his blog entries here.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I Think I'm Going to Have Fun With This

Anyone who knows me has an idea of where I stand on the issues in today’s political landscape. Through this medium, I’ll be able to write about any hot-button issue that I personally think needs to be elaborated on.

Now, the beauty of this is that you, the reader will be able to let me know if I’m wrong on my opinion, right (which I will always be . . . j/k), or just have a completely different view on whatever the situation or subject is.

So, here’s to my first post which obviously doesn’t have a topic of discussion, but there will be very soon.

Let the opinions fly!