Socialized Europe as a whole is in turmoil.
Take a closer look at these riots and you'll see exactly where the liberal vision for America will eventually take us.
From a post back in 2009 about Obamacare, I pointed out that when we start to depend on our government for handouts, we lose the ability to take initiative for ourselves. Europe is seeing the consequences of that entitlement mentality right now with people demanding their "right" to free money and government services treasuries can't cash. In response, looters and thugs take to the streets, stealing what they can as if they're entitled to their bounty in compensation for government failing them. It's a ridiculously flawed notion that inherently denies the gratification and pride of self-sufficientcy.
It's a sad state of affairs, but one we can still avoid here in America.
I posted this earlier in the year, and it's worth reading again, if only to bring home a point that big government is never the answer. Europe is proving that to us now through people who have delusional and extreme ideas for the role of government.
Will America follow Europe? I hope not, but unlike Europe, we still have a chance to prevent it, i.e. November 2012.
Post: The Money Tree Runneth Dry - Welcome to Reality