Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Entitlement Mentality

London's on fire. Greece is in chaos. Spain is on the brink.

Socialized Europe as a whole is in turmoil.

Take a closer look at these riots and you'll see exactly where the liberal vision for America will eventually take us.

From a post back in 2009 about Obamacare, I pointed out that when we start to depend on our government for handouts, we lose the ability to take initiative for ourselves. Europe is seeing the consequences of that entitlement mentality right now with people demanding their "right" to free money and government services treasuries can't cash. In response, looters and thugs take to the streets, stealing what they can as if they're entitled to their bounty in compensation for government failing them. It's a ridiculously flawed notion that inherently denies the gratification and pride of self-sufficientcy.

It's a sad state of affairs, but one we can still avoid here in America.

I posted this earlier in the year, and it's worth reading again, if only to bring home a point that big government is never the answer. Europe is proving that to us now through people who have delusional and extreme ideas for the role of government.

Will America follow Europe? I hope not, but unlike Europe, we still have a chance to prevent it, i.e. November 2012.


Post: The Money Tree Runneth Dry - Welcome to Reality


Monday, August 08, 2011

"Pre-revolutionary" and AAA No More

American's are in a "pre-revolutionary" mood according to a new poll, and here's everything you need to know about our AAA downgrade.

So much for $2.6 trillion worth of QE stimulus.


DJIA: -634

Monday, July 11, 2011

Border Crisis Rising

Many years ago, I remember walking along the U.S.-Mexican border in the Valley of south Texas with my dad, examining old relics from a wild west era long gone. Peaceful and calm, it was a great morning walk with my dad many summers ago.

I'm not sure I'd take that same walk today.

Today, Los Zetas and other drug cartels stretch all along the border, from Monterrey to Juarez to Tijuana, the border is riddled with violence, tragedy and grief on a daily basis. In a recent Time article, an alarming statistic jumped out: over 40,000 lives have been lost in the past five years that is directly related to drug trade. To comprehend that figure, that's more than the lives we've lost in Afghanistan and Iraq combined (6,026 as of June 5, 2011).

Think about that and you'll begin to understand the gravity of a situation much closer than a world away.

Over the Fourth of July holiday one of my aunts conveyed an interesting story which reflects the dangers of border life.

Driving home late one evening to her home just north of Eagle Pass, TX, she drove by a man in a ditch, crawling and alone. Knowing that cartels set roadside traps (yes, even on our side of the border), she drove on, leaving the man to his own fate. Luckily, she stopped a truck just up the road and asked the workers to check on this seemingly stranded individual. This is after all on the edge of the Chihuahuan Desert.

It turned out that the man was exhausted and had collapsed from the heat, but it could have easily gone the other way around.

This underscores the need for action. When violence expresses itself so close to home and influences your everyday decisions, a line must be drawn and decisive action must be taken.

The White House and Department of Homeland Security however claim all is well. Stay calm; everything is under control they say. Their response to rising violence is to send an insulting amount of National Guardsman to assist an under staffed Border Patrol.

The time for half-ass measures and political posturing is over. The American people are disgusted with Democrats placating to a potential 2012 voting block that tends to be more conservative than they realize. We're tired of hearing from Republicans that a long, vast fence is the fix all to end all. We're tired of hearing about immigration reform as if that will somehow curb ongoing violence. We have a national security and terror threat at our back door and all Washington seems to care about is politics.

Note to D.C.: Screw politics and actually do something you know to be in the best interest for a plurality of the American people.

As for a solution? Mexico needs help in containing this violence. As a result, I would suggest bringing back the days of the U.S. Marshal and Texas Rangers who so efficiently cleaned up the unruly west of the American frontier in the late 1800's.

Violence begets violence, but sometimes turning the other cheek only encourages the status quo. In Mexico's case, crushing the cartels along the border with overwhelming and suffocating force via Special Forces and other U.S. military assets might the best and only answer. After that, extend the operation into Mexico with the assistance of the Mexican government.

A firm hand worked in taming the wild west, why not now?


Time: Day of the Dead

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Money Tree Runneth Dry – Welcome to Reality

Burdensome entitlements, big government guarantees and a crippling debt. This is the current and unsustainable path that our government is on.

I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying again. Our Declaration declares that we are, “. . . endowed by their [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

This unalienable right to pursue happiness is a gift given to us from our Creator to individually attain honorably, not a guaranteed right provided by an overbearing government.

Our Constitution – a document that is restrictive in its nature toward government – opens by proclaiming that:

"We the people of the Unites States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Unites States of America."

These basic services in which our Union provides its citizenry gives no guarantees of financial stability, no assurances of a big government safety net through bailouts and no promises of healthcare bankrolled through onerous taxes. It only declares that we have the right to live peacefully, secure in the knowledge that our Union will maintain a robust infrastructure and strong national defense.

The social programs which have amassed over the past and current century are accelerating toward a breaking point. Reformers like Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin are demonized by the nannie state supporters and big union thugs for making hard and needed choices. Why? Because like a smoker in need of a fix, free money can be intoxicating, but over time, that fix becomes a debilitating disease that cripples the people receiving it.

These generous handouts are subsidized by the tax payer, and our ranks are much larger than any labor union demanding a free ride. Our redistributed dollars can only go so far. And at the cost of roads, border security and national defense, our guaranteed entitlements are ruining those proclaimed “Blessings of Liberty” while increasing and accommodating the desires of people in need of a fix through the transfer of wealth.

Knowing this, I think we can all agree that painful cuts and reforms need to be made. We need to step back and look at the reality of the situation. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees.


Middle East Turmoil Map

With more and more mid-east countries joining in on anti-government protests, it's becoming more difficult to keep track of what's going on over there. The Washington Post has put together a graph and timeline of the current turmoil.

- Washington Post: Middle East Turmoil
- FoxNews : Crude on the way up