Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Boston Tea Party . . .

  • Scott Brown (GOP) - 52%
  • Martha Coakley (Dem) - 47%
The Boston Glob: Election Results
Epic Upset
Fox Nation:
Dems Running from ObamaCare


Friday, January 15, 2010


If this health care reform bill is so great for the American people, why are so many representatives, groups and states getting bought off in order to secure its passage?


Sunday, January 10, 2010

In One Ear . . .

Does anyone in Washington listen?

What good is a Republic if our representatives don’t listen to a majority of the populous? Isn’t this a majority rule society? We elected them to speak for us, yes? To push policy which is out of touch with the constituency it represents, D.C. exudes the feel of a forum for elitist ideology rather than rational practicality of the common man.

The most recent examples:

For the GOP:
For the current Majority in D.C.:
Overall Approval: